- boat winch
- sealed gearing
- break-maintenance-free
- equipped with automatic load brake which increases safety: the load can be hold in every position by releasing the crank handle (pull: turn the crank handle clockwise / hold: release the crank handle and the brake holds the load automatically in all positions / unhold: turn the crank handle anticlockwise)
- drawing force 90° angle 950 kg
- drawing force 30° angle 2800 kg
- crank handle fixed
- length of crank handle 275 mm
- required manual force 250 N
- drum Ø 60 mm
- wire length max. 25 m
- wire max. Ø 7 mm
- wire not included in price
- gear ratio of gearbox 8,75:1
- suitable width of belt 50 mm
- weight 8,5 kg